
Semakin kita kehilangan suatu kepercayaan diri, maka akan akan semakin sulit kita memutuskan yang terbaik yang harus kita lakukan pada diri kita sendiri. Keragu-raguan itu akan pula menyulitkan kita untuk mengaktualisasikan siapa diri kita sebenarnya. Bisa jadi kita yang seharusnya menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang, tetap pada posisi yang sama. Tidak bergerak maju.

Cantik merupakan satu yang terpancar dari kepercayaan diri yang telah kita bangun. Mungkin keadaan jasmani kita tidak semolek selebritis, tapi kita pandai memanfaatkan kelebihan yang kita miliki untuk menghalangi orang memandang kekurangan kita, melainkan hanya melihat kelebihan kita saja. Kita begitu percaya diri dengan apa pun yang kita miliki.

Arti Sebuah Kecantikan

Menjadi cantik, siapa sih yang tidak mau…setiap cewek menginginkan dirinya diberikan anugerah kecantikan yang sempurna dari Tuhan, cantik dan menjadi perhatian banyak orang, terkenal dan bangga dengan dirinya sendiri. Menjadi cantik apakah selalu diukur dengan keindahan lahiriah saja? Masing-masing orang memiliki jawaban yang berbeda dan itu kembali pada sejauh mana orang tersebut menilai arti sebuah kecantikan.


Dalam psikologi perkembangan remaja dikenal sedang dalam fase pencarian jati diri yang penuh dengan kesukaran dan persoalan. Fase perkembangan remaja ini berlangsung cukup lama kurang lebih 11 tahun, mulai usia 11-19 tahun pada wanita dan 12-20 tahun pada pria. Fase perkebangan remaja ini dikatakan fase pencarian jati diri yang penuh dengan kesukaran dan persoalan adalah karena dalam fase ini remaja sedang berada di antara dua persimpangan antara dunia anak-anak dan dunia orang-orang dewasa.
Kesulitan dan persoalan yang muncul pada fase remaja ini bukan hanya muncul pada diri remaja itu sendiri melainkan juga pada orangtua, guru dan masyarakat. Dimana dapat kita lihat seringkali terjadi pertentangan antara remaja dengan orangtua, remaja dengan guru bahkan dikalangan remaja itu sendiri.

Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi? Secara singkat dapat dijelaskan bahwa keberadaan remaja yang ada di antara dua persimpangan fase perkembanganlah (fase interim) yang membuat fase remaja penuh dengan kesukaran dan persoalan. Dapat dipastikan bahwa seseorang yang sedang dalam keadaan transisi atau peralihan dari suatu keadaan ke keadaan yang lain seringkali mengalami gejolak dan goncangan yang terkadang dapat berakibat buruk bahkan fatal (menyebabkan kematian).(Syah, 2001).
Namun, pada dasarnya semua kesukaran dan persoalan yang muncul pada fase perkembangan remaja ini dapat diminimalisir bahkan dihilangkan, jika orangtua, guru dan masyarakat mampu memahami perkembangan jiwa, perkembangan kesehatan mental remaja dan mampu meningkatkan kepercayaan diri remaja.Persoalan paling signifikan yang sering dihadapi remaja sehari-hari sehingga menyulitkannya untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya adalah hubungan remaja dengan orang yang lebih dewasa, terutama sang ayah, dan perjuangannya secara bertahap untuk bisa membebaskan diri dari dominasi mereka pada level orang-orang dewasa.

Namanya dah puber dan memang fitrahnya seneng sama lawan jenis, yang namanya cinta selalu jadi atribut mengasyikkan bagi kehidupan remaja. Saat diri sendiri merasa nggak dipahami orang lain, yang namanya lawan jenis selalu menjadi tempat asyik untuk curhat. Jadilah sepasang lain jenis berpacaran.
Bukannya asyik, pacaran malah full ancaman. Alloh Ta’ala memerintahkan menahan pandangan dari lawan jenis, orang pacaran malah saling pandang. Jadinya nggak patuh sama Alloh, kan? Belum masalah sentuh-menyentuh, yang kata Nabi shalallahu ‘alaihi wasalam lebih baik kepala ditusuk paku besi daripada menyentuh wanita non mahram. Kalo menyentuh dah boleh-boleh aja, gimana nggak meningkat ke yang lebih ngeri? Kalo udah gini, siapa nyang rugi? Kalo nggak tobat, bisa aja rugi akhirat. Kalo sampai zina beneran, tentu juga rugi dunia.

Rasa ingin tahu ditambah besarnya gairah syahwat pada masa remaja membuat banyak remaja (terutama laki-laki) terperosok ke maksiat satu ini. Banyak media yang memuat pornografi. Mulai dari poster, majalah, buku, sampai VCD. Bahkan majalah Playboy yang udah masyhur kepornoannya pun udah masuk ke Indonesia setelah majalah porno lainnya eksis di negeri ini.
Menahan pandangan dari lawan jenis termasuk juga nggak liat hal-hal yang porno semacam ini. Pornografi juga memancing kejahatan seperti pelecehan seksual dan pemerkosaan. Berapa banyak kasus perkosaan berawal dari nonton VCD porno.
Alhamdulillah, nilai-nilai syariat Islam udah mulai ditegakkan di negeri kita. Setelah Undang-Undang Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi disahkan, kita nggak aman dari tuntutan hukum dunia dalam masalah ini. Kalo ketauan liat atau bawa barang-barang berbau porno, kamu bisa dipenjara atau kena denda. Selain itu, kamu masih harus menghadapi tuntutan hukum akherat kalo nggak tobat.

Satu hal yang biasanya remaja kurang tahu bahwa hal tersebut juga merupakan maksiat adalah mendengarkan musik. Parahnya, kehidupan remaja saat ini kayaknya nggak bisa lepas dari musik. Konsumen musik terbanyak tetap aja remaja. Buktinya, media cetak remaja, baik yang untuk cewek atau cowok, baik yang majalah atau yang tabloid, semuanya memberikan porsi ruang yang lumayan besar bagi berita musik.
Musik merupakan sesuatu yang haram karena Rasulullah bersabda tentang akan datangnya suatu kaum yang menghalalkannya. Musik merupakan senjata ampuh setan untuk melalaikan manusia dari mendengarkan Al-Quran.
The signs of Internet addiction are:
(just for a joke and a refreshing for a moment)

1. You asked for dowry on the wedding day is set
computer and modem. Cash!

2. Bell in your house reads "Click here to continue"

3. Your bathroom door that read "This site contains Adult Material,
please verify your age "

4. You ask if there is a new email for you to mailman
Eid cards were delivered.

5. Your dreams always start with http://www.

6. You are using search engines to find your child already
three days did not go home.

7. "Unable to locate your server!" You say when the phone
wrong number.


With the development of increasingly advanced technology, and the pervasiveness of the Internet on society, well developed social networking sites in the wider community. These sites are now very flourishing at all levels of society. Who today knows no facebook or often called the ef-be, twitter, yahoo messenger or ye-em ... and many other websites that is equally famous and used by many. 

Ranging from small children, adolescents and adults use this facility to connect with friends or get to know new friends, which is sometimes difficult to meet. However, the use of social networking sites also have good and bad effects on the psychological development of the child.

The social network is a social structure made up of nodes (generally individuals or organizations) are tied with one or more specific types of relationships such as values, visions, ideas, friends, descendants, etc..

In Jakarta-Indonesia various efforts were made to involve the police, the results are not encouraging. What happens, in the fight increasing violence, reckless, and violent. Various studies have shown, there was no correlation between the actors brawl and families that are not harmonious.
Also found no relationship between the students involved fighting and drug abuse. It is precisely to escape the fighting, a student must have a high awareness and vigilance and excellent physical condition. Mustapha and Winarini research showed no convincing evidence, individually, the students involved have personal characteristics and backgrounds of the students who brawl. According to them, the hostility that dominated brawl situation must be understood within the framework of a very small group dynamics related to the characteristics of individual members of the group brawl.
Thus, theories that try to connect students involved in brawl came from a family that is not harmonious myth wrong. Winarini (1998) proved, both the students involved and do not claim to have a close relationship with her parents.
Opinions expressed poor quality schools and low discipline often involved fighting is also not entirely true. In reality (Bulungan case), the involvement of the school's top academic belong in the fight quite high and dangerous in the sense of resulting in death. Winarini also see the brawl had nothing to do with the level of intelligence and academic achievement. Many bright students are also involved. Savvy students did have a contribution on strategies or evacuation (rescue) himself and his friends. 

Heem... there is some way to be a good teen... Get attention!!


Familiarize yourself giving a sincere smile to others because of the smile healthy body and mind your own. Patch Adams, a doctor of health in West Virginia United States said, "if one is smiling, his brain secrete serotonin which improves immune. Therefore should not be wasted. Give a genuine smile for everyone."
use a genuine smile because it has a high appeal that could attract others. lure others not told ugliness themselves and their own families, distress or weakness of yourself by expecting sympathy, pity from your friends. thing more ridiculous is captivating others with the help of shamans. take advantage of your sincerity and a smile you will definitely get results.

to make you happy, then you haruus know what things are making you bergembira.tliskan was all the excitement that you feel into your daily calendar notes, except the excitement arising from people or things that are contrary to the moral and legal. for example, you are happy if you are using drugs, alcohol, sex, stealing, fighting, dll.jadi the things that need to be written as excited when the teacher praised for your ingenuity, given a gift by your girlfriend, go to beautiful places, poetry or photos you loaded the school bulletin board, received the trophy for your achievements, etc.
express gratitude every day about people and what you have. with thankful you are always happy. people who never thankful definitely never be satisfied, so there is never happy with what he earned to date.
say every time you wake up in the morning "I am happy today, thank God," pronounced minimum 3x
when you have failed or are not accepted your environment, make the experience as an experience that should be fixed not as a barrier that makes you sad.

The tendency of the teen  is indifferent what people say about her and always wanted to act in a socially self-effacing (so remember the past hehehehehe) is where many experts say process of seeking identity .... But not a few of the teen so excessive outside things reason was to take place in the name of love going on between husband and wife, in the name of Solidarity a murder / robbery ...

Well here we need to have the word freedome limits ... No absolute freedom in this world

and how to create limitation it?

Restrictions will be created when the teen a little thought into the front of reward ... With little thought to the front of the teen will find themselves what their future will be ...

By looking ahead we will be a little selective in action .... Yet all that we do will be the provision we will ....

And to know that such behavior is said good or bad, true or false we must have a strong foundation and unshakable forever ... Because of something not good surely someday be turned into something bad

and that could be the right foundation ensure it is RELIGION ....

For adults, the problem faced by an adolescent may be trivial, and we already know the answer. It should be remembered, period identity search makes everything so gray, not black and white. There is a serious problem such as premarital sex, AIDS, have become single parents, drugs, and human trafficking.  But there are also issues as trivial as' father did not see I had a mother ask me nod. Father angry at me, and I hurt '. Or 'I used thin, now fat. I often cry ... I'm depressed .... 'recently closed with the question' how to eliminate 4 kilograms of my body? '. Wow, when I gave birth he might more giddy again ya .. :) 

Another problem for example is: 

  • No female friends who want to be friends with   
  • Fell asleep while studying
  • Crush on a guy  
  • No friends because 'I'm perfect'  
  • Want to get a gang of friends  
  • Want to go back to a girlfriend who decides  
  • Can not sleep  
  • The socially awkward   
Friend lied  If the guess of the problem, most of the complaining are young women. Maybe because they have a sensitive nature such as women in general, so all things considered problem. This is compounded by the lack of communication with the adults around them, so they do not know where to complain. The problem that arises is usually a social problem, studies and family.

How to solve the problem of youth?

Hemm.. who is teenagers? familiar word that we usually hear nowadays..

According Mappiare (1982), takes place between the ages of 12 years to 21 years for women and 13 years to 22 years for men. Teenagers age range can be divided into two parts, namely the age of 12/13 year to 17/18 year is early adolescence and age 17/18 years up to 21/22 years was the late teens.  

By law dysmenorrhea United States today, the individual is considered an adult when they have been reached the age of 18 years and not 21 years like the previous one (Hurlock, 1991). At this age, most children are attending school. 

Tennagers, which in the original is called Adolescence, "adolescere" comes from the Latin meaning "to grow or grow to reach maturity."